Saturday, September 11, 2010

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As you can see from the blog title, this blog's all about walkthroughs for Zelda games. So, let's get started. First we're gonna start with Zelda Spirit Tracks:

Once you start the game, it'll start off with a slide show about the demon king fighting the spirits. In the end, the spirits seal the demon king underground. Shackles were used to imprison the demon king and a tower was used as a lock.
(all pictures from
After the slide show is done, you will see an old man with the name Niko. It turns out that Link found the slide show boring. Link eventually wakes up and Niko gets annoyed at Link and then Link goes back to sleep. Then Link's mentor, Alfonzo, comes and wakes Link up. Alfonzo reminds Link that today is a special day because Link is gonna meet the princess to get his engineer certificate. Alfonzo then heads off and tells Link to meet him at the train station. Niko then instructs you how to move Link. Once you get used to moving Link, exit the house at the bottom of the screen.

Once you are out of the house, you can either go directly to the train station or you can go around the region and get some treasure. If you go directly to the train station, you will see Alfonzo on a train. He tells you to go to princess Zelda but to be careful because there are other trains on the track.if you want to get some treasure and rupees, follow these instructions:
go to a girl near a certain house and talk to her. Then she will instruct you how to throw objects. Throw the rocks that are near the house then talk to the girl and she will give you a red rupee which are worth 20 rupees. Head towards the center of the village, and you'll see a boy near a tree and a beehive. Talk to the boy and he'll tell you how to somersault. He'll tell you to somersault on to the tree. Just do so and the beehive will drop and bees will fly everywhere.The boy will then call you a klutz and the bees will start chasing you. Just do a mixture of running and somersaults to get away from them. Once you get away from them, go to the train statoin entrance and you will see the boy you just talked with. Talk to him and he'll say that he was just kidding and he will give you a wood heart! Then head on to the train station.

Once you are at Castle town, a short cinema of Castle town will begin. After a kind talk with Alfonzo, you will be able to walk around Castle town. Go towards Hyrule castle and you'll see a bouncing mailbox. Walk towards it and you'll meet up with the the new postman. He'll hand you a letter and then head off. Tap on the menu and then tap on collection. Next go to letters to see your first letter. It is from the postmaster telling you about the new postal system. Then head towards Hyrule castle. You'll then see 2 guards in front of the castle. Speak with the chubby one and they'll let you in.
Walk straight up ahead and talk to another guard who then tells you to get lost but then interrupted by a small man who goes by the name Chancellor Cole. He looks a bit odd and he has 2 hats on his head. After giving Link a hard time, he'll allow you to pass and he'll let you head to your ceremony. He really has quite an attitude towards Link and the guards. Walk up the stairs to the north.

The next thing you see is link kneeling down on a red carpet when princess Zelda appears. When the 2 make eye contact, Chancellor Cole jumps up and calls link an "ill-mannered urchin" for looking at the princess without permission. This continues on and on, with Link and Zelda talking with Chancellor Cole interrupting constantly in a very rude way. Eventually the teacher appears and princess Zelda will grab the certificate and gives it to link officially promoting him to an engineer. Princess Zelda also moves in and slips link a note telling him to read it later and to beware Chancellor Cole. She then heads towards her chamber. Chancellor Cole then says some words to Link, followed by a very cynical statement and an awkward smile with evil sounding music.

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